Massachusetts is a no-fault insurance state. Although that means your insurance will help you recover some of your expenses, it limits your ability to recover from the person who caused the accident.
All Massachusetts drivers must carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) as part of their insurance. PIP coverage provides the first $2,000 of medical bills and a minimum of $8,000 per person for lost wages, replacement services, and death benefits. Private health insurance pays the remaining medical expenses. PIP will cover medical bills ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 for people without health insurance coverage.
However, if your injuries are severe, you may be able to sue the person whose negligence caused your injuries. If your medical expenses exceed $2,000, or if you suffer loss of sight or hearing, permanent disfigurement, a fracture, or if a loved one dies as a result of the accident, you can sue the other driver.